Big Brand
Scent Gimmicks

Over the years, many consumer brands have hired aroma branding companies to create custom scented candles or perfumes, as limited time offerings. Usually these are crafted with a unique aroma that somehow suits their brand and (sometimes) compliments their products. Other times, it’s simply a gimmick or a media stunt. Whichever the case may be, they always seem to sell out. Or, at least the limited productions runs do. Some of these can even be found for sale on Ebay for as much as $10,000.00.
Let’s explore some of the whacky and wonderful examples:..

The Texas barbecue chain Rudy’s BBQ released 1000 Smoked Brisket Scented candles for their hardcore fanbase. It started out as an April Fools joke and then turned into reality.

In 2010, White Castle sold a shocking 10,000 limited run White Castle Slider Scented Candles. They received mixed reviews, leaning in favour of the famous mini burger chain with many people saying the scent of onions was the most prevalent.

In the summer of 2018, A1 Steak Sauce released a collection of three meat scented candles as a limited offering: Original Meat, Backyard BBQ, and Classic Burger. They sold out quickly.

The Texas barbecue chain Rudy’s BBQ released 1000 Smoked Brisket Scented candles for their hardcore fanbase. It started out as an April Fools joke and then turned into reality.